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18,177.000 EUR
-0.100 ( 0.00 % )
Updated: 29 Apr. 2024 @ 11:20:10

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14,589.400 - 18,570.700
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1.34 %
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-1.77 %
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13.96 %



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DAX Go to products
Quick actions ISIN Product Direction Stop loss Ref. Fin. level Leverage Bid Spread Ask Ratio
DAX Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 17,524.698 and leverage: 27.99 with ISIN code: CH1330028940 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 17,524.698 18,177 17,524.698 27.99 6.557 0.010 6.567 100
DAX Warrant Put With stop loss: 17,600 and leverage: 27.35 with ISIN code: CH1315314406 Warrant Put 17,600 18,177 17,600 27.35 1.352 0.010 1.362 100
DAX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 17,750 and leverage: 27.96 with ISIN code: CH1332898407 Mini Future Long 17,750 18,177 17,526.939 27.96 1.27 0.010 1.28 500
DAX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 17,750 and leverage: 28.26 with ISIN code: CH1344398578 Mini Future Long 17,750 18,177 17,530.824 28.26 6.279 0.010 6.289 100
DAX Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 17,534.71 and leverage: 28.49 with ISIN code: CH1332885826 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 17,534.71 18,177 17,534.71 28.49 1.29 0.010 1.3 500
DAX Warrant Call With stop loss: 18,100 and leverage: 28.50 with ISIN code: CH1337764125 Warrant Call 18,100 18,177 18,100 28.50 3.911 0.010 3.921 100
DAX Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 17,534.847 and leverage: 28.44 with ISIN code: CH1330028957 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 17,534.847 18,177 17,534.847 28.44 6.469 0.010 6.479 100
DAX Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Put With stop loss: 18,829.266 and leverage: 27.76 with ISIN code: CH1330032801 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Put 18,829.266 18,177 18,829.266 27.76 6.684 0.010 6.694 100
DAX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 17,800 and leverage: 28.52 with ISIN code: CH1347461274 Mini Future Long 17,800 18,177 17,536.946 28.52 6.22 0.010 6.23 100
DAX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 17,800 and leverage: 28.39 with ISIN code: CH1332899199 Mini Future Long 17,800 18,177 17,536.946 28.39 1.25 0.010 1.26 500
DAX Mini Future Short With stop loss: 18,550 and leverage: 27.91 with ISIN code: CH1332896146 Mini Future Short 18,550 18,177 18,825.267 27.91 1.28 0.010 1.29 500
DAX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 17,760 and leverage: 28.70 with ISIN code: CH1344398586 Mini Future Long 17,760 18,177 17,540.689 28.70 6.182 0.010 6.192 100
DAX Warrant Call With stop loss: 18,500 and leverage: 28.91 with ISIN code: CH1330047312 Warrant Call 18,500 18,177 18,500 28.91 2.689 0.010 2.699 100
DAX Warrant Put With stop loss: 18,600 and leverage: 28.37 with ISIN code: CH1337764513 Warrant Put 18,600 18,177 18,600 28.37 4.179 0.010 4.189 100
DAX Mini Future Short With stop loss: 18,540 and leverage: 28.45 with ISIN code: CH1337760271 Mini Future Short 18,540 18,177 18,813.49 28.45 6.237 0.010 6.247 100
DAX Warrant Call With stop loss: 18,000 and leverage: 28.89 with ISIN code: CH1337764067 Warrant Call 18,000 18,177 18,000 28.89 4.165 0.010 4.175 100
DAX Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 17,555.143 and leverage: 29.37 with ISIN code: CH1330028965 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 17,555.143 18,177 17,555.143 29.37 6.276 0.010 6.286 100
DAX Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Put With stop loss: 18,808.779 and leverage: 28.66 with ISIN code: CH1337757269 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Put 18,808.779 18,177 18,808.779 28.66 6.509 0.010 6.519 100
DAX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 17,820 and leverage: 29.43 with ISIN code: CH1347461282 Mini Future Long 17,820 18,177 17,556.65 29.43 6.028 0.010 6.038 100
DAX Warrant Call With stop loss: 18,150 and leverage: 29.59 with ISIN code: CH1337764117 Warrant Call 18,150 18,177 18,150 29.59 3.586 0.010 3.596 100
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