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18,140.700 EUR
-36.400 ( -0.20 % )
Updated: 29 Apr. 2024 @ 16:56:24

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14,589.400 - 18,570.700
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1.13 %
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-1.97 %
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13.74 %



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DAX Go to products
Quick actions ISIN Product Direction Stop loss Ref. Fin. level Leverage Bid Spread Ask Ratio
DAX Warrant Call With stop loss: 15,600 and leverage: 6.53 with ISIN code: CH1290996797 Warrant Call 15,600 18,140.7 15,600 6.53 26.54 0.020 26.56 100
DAX Warrant Call With stop loss: 15,600 and leverage: 5.71 with ISIN code: CH1264035721 Warrant Call 15,600 18,140.7 15,600 5.71 28.817 0.010 28.827 100
DAX Warrant Call With stop loss: 15,500 and leverage: 4.97 with ISIN code: CH1241193478 Warrant Call 15,500 18,140.7 15,500 4.97 32.021 0.010 32.031 100
DAX Warrant Call With stop loss: 15,500 and leverage: 6.31 with ISIN code: CH1241193395 Warrant Call 15,500 18,140.7 15,500 6.31 27.496 0.020 27.516 100
DAX Warrant Call With stop loss: 15,400 and leverage: 6.09 with ISIN code: CH1241193403 Warrant Call 15,400 18,140.7 15,400 6.09 28.454 0.020 28.474 100
DAX Warrant Call With stop loss: 15,400 and leverage: 4.84 with ISIN code: CH1241193486 Warrant Call 15,400 18,140.7 15,400 4.84 32.894 0.010 32.904 100
DAX Warrant Call With stop loss: 15,400 and leverage: 5.37 with ISIN code: CH1302908681 Warrant Call 15,400 18,140.7 15,400 5.37 30.656 0.010 30.666 100
DAX Warrant Call With stop loss: 15,200 and leverage: 5.71 with ISIN code: CH1241193411 Warrant Call 15,200 18,140.7 15,200 5.71 30.372 0.020 30.392 100
DAX Warrant Call With stop loss: 15,200 and leverage: 4.65 with ISIN code: CH1241193494 Warrant Call 15,200 18,140.7 15,200 4.65 34.651 0.010 34.661 100
DAX Warrant Call With stop loss: 15,200 and leverage: 5.12 with ISIN code: CH1302908699 Warrant Call 15,200 18,140.7 15,200 5.12 32.491 0.010 32.501 100
DAX Warrant Call With stop loss: 15,000 and leverage: 5.37 with ISIN code: CH1241193429 Warrant Call 15,000 18,140.7 15,000 5.37 32.292 0.020 32.312 100
DAX Warrant Call With stop loss: 15,000 and leverage: 4.47 with ISIN code: CH1241193502 Warrant Call 15,000 18,140.7 15,000 4.47 36.422 0.010 36.432 100
DAX Warrant Call With stop loss: 15,000 and leverage: 4.90 with ISIN code: CH1302908707 Warrant Call 15,000 18,140.7 15,000 4.90 34.337 0.010 34.347 100
DAX Warrant Call With stop loss: 14,900 and leverage: 4.77 with ISIN code: CH1302908715 Warrant Call 14,900 18,140.7 14,900 4.77 35.258 0.020 35.278 100
DAX Warrant Call With stop loss: 14,900 and leverage: 5.27 with ISIN code: CH1302908640 Warrant Call 14,900 18,140.7 14,900 5.27 33.261 0.020 33.281 100
DAX Warrant Call With stop loss: 14,800 and leverage: 4.65 with ISIN code: CH1302908723 Warrant Call 14,800 18,140.7 14,800 4.65 36.186 0.020 36.206 100
DAX Warrant Call With stop loss: 14,800 and leverage: 5.12 with ISIN code: CH1302908657 Warrant Call 14,800 18,140.7 14,800 5.12 34.223 0.020 34.243 100
DAX Warrant Call With stop loss: 14,700 and leverage: 4.98 with ISIN code: CH1302908665 Warrant Call 14,700 18,140.7 14,700 4.98 35.185 0.020 35.205 100
DAX Warrant Call With stop loss: 14,600 and leverage: 4.85 with ISIN code: CH1302908673 Warrant Call 14,600 18,140.7 14,600 4.85 36.148 0.020 36.168 100
DAX Warrant Call With stop loss: 14,500 and leverage: 4.72 with ISIN code: CH1241193437 Warrant Call 14,500 18,140.7 14,500 4.72 37.104 0.020 37.124 100
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