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33,784.600 EUR
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Updated: 20 Sep. 2024 @ 19:58:11

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FTSE MIB IDX Go to products
Quick actions ISIN Product Direction Stop loss Ref. Fin. level Leverage Bid Spread Ask Ratio
FTSE MIB IDX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 26,450 and leverage: 4.21 with ISIN code: CH1332896047 Mini Future Long 26,450 33,784.6 25,769.375 4.21 7.6 0.020 7.62 1,000
FTSE MIB IDX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 19,700 and leverage: 2.31 with ISIN code: CH0582870637 Mini Future Long 19,700 33,784.6 19,193.026 2.31 13.87 0.020 13.89 1,000
FTSE MIB IDX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 19,380 and leverage: 2.26 with ISIN code: CH0582870017 Mini Future Long 19,380 33,784.6 18,880.763 2.26 14.166 0.020 14.186 1,000
FTSE MIB IDX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 19,060 and leverage: 2.22 with ISIN code: CH0582869019 Mini Future Long 19,060 33,784.6 18,568.34 2.22 14.462 0.020 14.482 1,000
FTSE MIB IDX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 20,020 and leverage: 2.36 with ISIN code: CH0582866866 Mini Future Long 20,020 33,784.6 19,507.625 2.36 13.571 0.020 13.591 1,000
FTSE MIB IDX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 18,740 and leverage: 2.17 with ISIN code: CH0582866858 Mini Future Long 18,740 33,784.6 18,257.935 2.17 14.757 0.020 14.777 1,000
FTSE MIB IDX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 18,420 and leverage: 2.13 with ISIN code: CH0582864143 Mini Future Long 18,420 33,784.6 17,947.959 2.13 15.051 0.020 15.071 1,000
FTSE MIB IDX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 17,780 and leverage: 2.05 with ISIN code: CH0582864135 Mini Future Long 17,780 33,784.6 17,322.978 2.05 15.644 0.020 15.664 1,000
FTSE MIB IDX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 18,110 and leverage: 2.09 with ISIN code: CH0572891874 Mini Future Long 18,110 33,784.6 17,642.742 2.09 15.34 0.020 15.36 1,000
FTSE MIB IDX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 17,470 and leverage: 2.01 with ISIN code: CH0572891866 Mini Future Long 17,470 33,784.6 17,017.424 2.01 15.934 0.020 15.954 1,000
FTSE MIB IDX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 16,830 and leverage: 1.94 with ISIN code: CH0547521614 Mini Future Long 16,830 33,784.6 16,394.401 1.94 16.525 0.020 16.545 1,000
FTSE MIB IDX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 16,500 and leverage: 1.91 with ISIN code: CH0547521606 Mini Future Long 16,500 33,784.6 16,075.988 1.91 16.827 0.020 16.847 1,000
FTSE MIB IDX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 16,500 and leverage: 1.91 with ISIN code: CH0547517927 Mini Future Long 16,500 33,784.6 16,078.306 1.91 16.825 0.020 16.845 1,000
FTSE MIB IDX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 16,180 and leverage: 1.87 with ISIN code: CH0547517489 Mini Future Long 16,180 33,784.6 15,762.136 1.87 17.125 0.020 17.145 1,000
FTSE MIB IDX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 15,860 and leverage: 1.84 with ISIN code: CH0547514577 Mini Future Long 15,860 33,784.6 15,450.376 1.84 17.42 0.020 17.44 1,000
FTSE MIB IDX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 15,530 and leverage: 1.81 with ISIN code: CH0533947757 Mini Future Long 15,530 33,784.6 15,133.937 1.81 17.721 0.020 17.741 1,000
FTSE MIB IDX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 15,210 and leverage: 1.78 with ISIN code: CH0532376909 Mini Future Long 15,210 33,784.6 14,815.578 1.78 18.023 0.020 18.043 1,000
FTSE MIB IDX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 14,880 and leverage: 1.75 with ISIN code: CH0532376891 Mini Future Long 14,880 33,784.6 14,494.942 1.75 18.327 0.020 18.347 1,000
FTSE MIB IDX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 14,550 and leverage: 1.72 with ISIN code: CH0532376883 Mini Future Long 14,550 33,784.6 14,174.306 1.72 18.631 0.020 18.651 1,000
FTSE MIB IDX Mini Future Long With stop loss: 14,220 and leverage: 1.69 with ISIN code: CH0532376875 Mini Future Long 14,220 33,784.6 13,853.67 1.69 18.935 0.020 18.955 1,000
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