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1.0722 USD
0.0021 ( 0.20 % )
Updated: 25 Apr. 2024 @ 11:24:50

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1.0449 - 1.1277
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0.73 %
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-1.07 %
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-2.26 %



Updated: 25 Apr. 2024 @ 13:14

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EUR/USD Go to products
Quick actions ISIN Product Direction Stop loss Ref. Fin. level Leverage Bid Spread Ask Ratio
EUR/USD Mini Future Long With stop loss: 1.0597 and leverage: 36.91 with ISIN code: CH1279240340 Mini Future Long 1.0597 1.0722 1.0427 36.91 0.27 0.020 0.29 0.1
EUR/USD Mini Future Long With stop loss: 1.0584 and leverage: 52.23 with ISIN code: CH1237347708 Mini Future Long 1.0584 1.0722 1.0517 52.23 1.873 0.020 1.893 0.01
EUR/USD Mini Future Long With stop loss: 1.0506 and leverage: 27.57 with ISIN code: CH1332895981 Mini Future Long 1.0506 1.0722 1.0335 27.57 0.35 0.020 0.37 0.1
EUR/USD Mini Future Long With stop loss: 1.0443 and leverage: 31.10 with ISIN code: CH1283585532 Mini Future Long 1.0443 1.0722 1.0378 31.10 3.145 0.020 3.165 0.01
EUR/USD Mini Future Long With stop loss: 1.0391 and leverage: 21.50 with ISIN code: CH1278918474 Mini Future Long 1.0391 1.0722 1.0225 21.50 0.45 0.020 0.47 0.1
EUR/USD Mini Future Long With stop loss: 1.0368 and leverage: 25.54 with ISIN code: CH1237347690 Mini Future Long 1.0368 1.0722 1.0303 25.54 3.829 0.020 3.849 0.01
EUR/USD Mini Future Long With stop loss: 1.0214 and leverage: 15.91 with ISIN code: CH1332894182 Mini Future Long 1.0214 1.0722 1.005 15.91 0.61 0.020 0.63 0.1
EUR/USD Mini Future Long With stop loss: 1.0202 and leverage: 18.32 with ISIN code: CH1284155889 Mini Future Long 1.0202 1.0722 1.0138 18.32 5.337 0.020 5.357 0.01
EUR/USD Mini Future Long With stop loss: 1.0152 and leverage: 16.90 with ISIN code: CH1237347682 Mini Future Long 1.0152 1.0722 1.0088 16.90 5.787 0.020 5.807 0.01
EUR/USD Mini Future Long With stop loss: 1.0042 and leverage: 12.78 with ISIN code: CH1332887194 Mini Future Long 1.0042 1.0722 0.9881 12.78 0.77 0.020 0.79 0.1
EUR/USD Mini Future Long With stop loss: 0.9936 and leverage: 12.63 with ISIN code: CH1237347674 Mini Future Long 0.9936 1.0722 0.9874 12.63 7.743 0.020 7.763 0.01
EUR/USD Mini Future Long With stop loss: 0.9886 and leverage: 11.93 with ISIN code: CH1196182823 Mini Future Long 0.9886 1.0722 0.9824 11.93 0.82 0.1
EUR/USD Mini Future Long With stop loss: 0.9837 and leverage: 10.25 with ISIN code: CH1332887202 Mini Future Long 0.9837 1.0722 0.9679 10.25 0.95 0.020 0.97 0.1
EUR/USD Mini Future Long With stop loss: 0.972 and leverage: 10.08 with ISIN code: CH1237347666 Mini Future Long 0.972 1.0722 0.9659 10.08 9.701 0.020 9.721 0.01
EUR/USD Mini Future Long With stop loss: 0.9632 and leverage: 8.62 with ISIN code: CH1332887210 Mini Future Long 0.9632 1.0722 0.9478 8.62 1.14 0.020 1.16 0.1
EUR/USD Mini Future Long With stop loss: 0.9473 and leverage: 8.19 with ISIN code: CH1285474487 Mini Future Long 0.9473 1.0722 0.9413 8.19 11.943 0.020 11.963 0.01
EUR/USD Mini Future Long With stop loss: 0.9395 and leverage: 7.27 with ISIN code: CH1332894737 Mini Future Long 0.9395 1.0722 0.9245 7.27 1.35 0.020 1.37 0.1
EUR/USD Mini Future Long With stop loss: 0.9275 and leverage: 7.12 with ISIN code: CH1284155871 Mini Future Long 0.9275 1.0722 0.9216 7.12 13.74 0.020 13.76 0.01
EUR/USD Mini Future Long With stop loss: 0.9222 and leverage: 6.50 with ISIN code: CH1332887228 Mini Future Long 0.9222 1.0722 0.9074 6.50 1.5 0.020 1.52 0.1
EUR/USD Mini Future Long With stop loss: 0.8752 and leverage: 5.29 with ISIN code: CH1285474479 Mini Future Long 0.8752 1.0722 0.8697 5.29 18.474 0.020 18.494 0.01
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