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4,066.123 USD
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Updated: 20 Sep. 2024 @ 21:59:51

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Quick actions ISIN Product Direction Stop loss Ref. Fin. level Leverage Bid Spread Ask Ratio
Booking Constant Leverage Long With stop loss: ― and leverage: 4.00 with ISIN code: CH1119067663 Constant Leverage Long 4,066.123 4.00 18.41 0.050 18.46 1
Booking Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 1,776.335 and leverage: 1.78 with ISIN code: CH1196165778 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 1,776.335 4,066.123 1,776.335 1.78 19.57 0.050 19.62 100
Booking Mini Future Long With stop loss: 1,902.55 and leverage: 1.75 with ISIN code: CH1196169937 Mini Future Long 1,902.55 4,066.123 1,735.915 1.75 19.78 0.050 19.83 100
Booking Constant Leverage Long With stop loss: ― and leverage: 6.00 with ISIN code: CH1197222941 Constant Leverage Long 4,066.123 6.00 13.73 0.420 14.15 1
Booking Constant Leverage Short With stop loss: ― and leverage: 4.00 with ISIN code: CH1217423115 Constant Leverage Short 4,066.123 4.00 0.12 0.010 0.13 1
Booking Constant Leverage Long With stop loss: ― and leverage: 8.00 with ISIN code: CH1217423123 Constant Leverage Long 4,066.123 8.00 9.62 0.350 9.97 1
Booking Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 2,009.833 and leverage: 1.98 with ISIN code: CH1220850924 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 2,009.833 4,066.123 2,009.833 1.98 17.59 0.050 17.64 100
Booking Mini Future Long With stop loss: 2,222.72 and leverage: 2.00 with ISIN code: CH1232642806 Mini Future Long 2,222.72 4,066.123 2,028.044 2.00 17.3 0.050 17.35 100
Booking Mini Future Long With stop loss: 2,538.48 and leverage: 2.33 with ISIN code: CH1241200695 Mini Future Long 2,538.48 4,066.123 2,316.148 2.33 14.85 0.050 14.9 100
Booking Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 2,549.629 and leverage: 2.68 with ISIN code: CH1241201453 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 2,549.629 4,066.123 2,549.629 2.68 13 0.050 13.05 100
Booking Constant Leverage Long With stop loss: ― and leverage: 8.00 with ISIN code: CH1246614486 Constant Leverage Long 4,066.123 8.00 1.8 0.060 1.86 1
Booking Constant Leverage Short With stop loss: ― and leverage: 6.00 with ISIN code: CH1246616309 Constant Leverage Short 4,066.123 6.00 0.26 0.010 0.27 1
Booking Mini Future Long With stop loss: 2,735.24 and leverage: 2.59 with ISIN code: CH1253923135 Mini Future Long 2,735.24 4,066.123 2,495.668 2.59 13.33 0.050 13.38 100
Booking Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 2,741.711 and leverage: 3.07 with ISIN code: CH1258525034 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 2,741.711 4,066.123 2,741.711 3.07 11.37 0.050 11.42 100
Booking Constant Leverage Short With stop loss: ― and leverage: 8.00 with ISIN code: CH1276586968 Constant Leverage Short 4,066.123 8.00 0.12 0.010 0.13 1
Booking Constant Leverage Long With stop loss: ― and leverage: 6.00 with ISIN code: CH1290992879 Constant Leverage Long 4,066.123 6.00 3.68 0.110 3.79 1
Booking Mini Future Long With stop loss: 2,910.01 and leverage: 2.88 with ISIN code: CH1302904920 Mini Future Long 2,910.01 4,066.123 2,655.136 2.88 11.97 0.050 12.02 100
Booking Mini Future Long With stop loss: 3,117.29 and leverage: 3.33 with ISIN code: CH1306071049 Mini Future Long 3,117.29 4,066.123 2,844.256 3.33 10.35 0.050 10.4 100
Booking Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call With stop loss: 3,021.957 and leverage: 3.90 with ISIN code: CH1306072013 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Call 3,021.957 4,066.123 3,021.957 3.90 8.99 0.050 9.04 100
Booking Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Put With stop loss: 4,194.807 and leverage: 31.42 with ISIN code: CH1326203606 Knock-Out Warrant (open end) Put 4,194.807 4,066.123 4,194.807 31.42 1.24 0.050 1.29 100
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