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DAX Factor 8x Long Certificate

Bid (CHF)
Bid volume 17,000
Ask (CHF)
Ask volume 17,000
% day
-0.11 %
Underlying (EUR)
Updated: 26 Apr. 2024 @ 21:59:56
Updated: 26 Apr. 2024 @ 21:59:54

Product chart

Skip chart
Date Reset type Cash value Reset threshold Reference price (last reset)
26 Apr. 2024 17:57 End of day 18 16,168.55 18,166.91
25 Apr. 2024 18:08 End of day 16.34 15,952.173 17,923.79
24 Apr. 2024 18:22 End of day 17.52 16,085.522 18,073.62
23 Apr. 2024 18:09 End of day 18.09 16,146.896 18,142.58
22 Apr. 2024 18:10 End of day 16.02 15,887.737 17,851.39
19 Apr. 2024 19:09 End of day 15.31 15,790.7 17,742.36
18 Apr. 2024 18:12 End of day 16.12 15,887.221 17,850.81
17 Apr. 2024 18:21 End of day 15.68 15,830.421 17,786.99
16 Apr. 2024 18:06 End of day 15.4 15,792.569 17,744.46
15 Apr. 2024 18:02 End of day 17.44 16,022.857 18,003.21

The underlying prices shown are not real-time prices, i.e. they are delayed due to legal requirements of the data provider. As a consequence, the price of the product on a specific underlying may substantially differ from the price of the product that you would expect on the basis of the underlying price displayed. The published bid and ask prices for products on our website are indicative bid and ask prices of BNP Paribas. These prices may differ from the current (bid and ask) prices on SIX Swiss Exchange or Swiss DOTS. In addition, this website does not display any (bid and ask) prices of other parties. For current (bid and ask) prices, consult the order book of your price information system, or contact your bank or broker. BNP Paribas is in no way liable for the consequences of delayed or incorrect (price) information on our website. ** Based on the highest or lowest price published on this website during the day. *** Based on the daily closing prices. The daily closing price is the average of the last bid and ask price of BNP Paribas of the day. For more information, read the general brochure, the product documentation or call us on 058 212 6850.

Underlying currency
Product currency
Issue date
16 Aug. 2022
Open end
Cash value
Reset threshold
% until reset threshold
11.00 %
Reference price (last reset)
Exchange rate
Underlying type
Financing costs ***
1.20 %
Swiss DOTS
08:00 - 22:00
SSPA class
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